Sandpiper is the specialist autism provision class for Primary pupils. There are 8 full-time pupils in the class with 2 teachers and 5 co-educators.
The staff in the class have specialist knowledge and experience in supporting pupils with Autism. The class environment and routines are highly structured; and supported with a high level of visual support systems based on individual needs. Each pupil has an individual workstation area, which they access to complete work tasks independently. Pupils are also taught in whole class, small groups and 1:1 with adults to learn and practice new skills in a range of contexts. These activities are planned into the day so that pupils know what is happening and when. All aspects of the school day are supported by integrated opportunities for communication.
In Sandpiper class pupils are supported to access a highly differentiated curriculum through a range of approaches including subject-specific lessons linked to the half-termly topic. During our school week, we especially enjoy our ‘Attention Autism’ therapy sessions and using the big sports hall for P.E.