At John Grant School, we believe Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. This is reflected in our whole school Safeguarding Policy.
Safeguarding team
Belinda Brookes
Head Teacher
Heidi Alexander
Deputy Head Teacher
Jo Mixer
Specialist Parent Advisor
As a school, we have established and worked hard to maintain a community where all pupils feel safe, listened to and able to ask for help when they need it. Pupils at John Grant School are supported to understand how to keep themselves and other people safe and this is embedded throughout our curriculum planning as well as in our emotional wellbeing provision in school.
We are committed to promoting an environment where everybody understands their role and responsibilities in relation to safeguarding. We are also committed to working in partnership with other professionals from a wide range of services to ensure appropriate support is in place where relevant.
If you have any queries in relation to Safeguarding at John Grant School please contact Belinda Brookes (Head Teacher ) or Heidi Alexander (Deputy Head Teacher) via the school office or by emailing during school holidays.