Bittern is a Key stage 4, mixed ability class of pupils with age ranges 14 to 16 years. We follow a secondary school approach to learning, with some subject specialists teaching for Food Technology, RE and P.E. All pupils have access to different levels of accreditation, such as City and Guilds in Maths and English and AQA Unit Awards in Food Technology. We have daily Maths and English lessons in preparation for our end-of-year exam papers. Other subjects which we cover each week are Science, Art, Computing, Religious Education, RSE, PSHE/Citizenship, PE and Food Technology.
Our main aims within the Bittern class are to;
- Develop our life skills, maturity and independence to set us on the right path for our next step of college, work and adult life.
- Develop our math and literacy skills to achieve a recognised accreditation for our future employment
- Develop our social, emotional and self-help /independent skills ready for adult life – this includes learning about relationships and what it means to be a good citizen
- Develop our awareness of the importance of looking after our planet and learning how to make the best choices to do this
In particular, the Bittern class are very proud of the work they complete as Bittern Press Reporters and regularly update our school website with their reports of activities and events happening in John Grant School. Please take the time to look at some of these reports.
As ECO warriors, the Bittern class are advocates for doing all they can to help towards environmental issues. We recycle, reuse and reduce, save energy and water, as well as spreading this message throughout the school. We raise money for the school twice a year through ‘Bags 2 Schools’ where we encourage staff and pupils to donate old clothes and materials they no longer use. Whilst all are eco-warriors within class, we also encourage each class to choose an ‘eco-warrior’ of their own. This person is responsible for ensuring all lights and electrical equipment are turned off when not in use as well as supporting their peers to reduce the amount of water used in their classes and recycle or reuse old materials.
Bittern classes are also ‘We Will’ ambassadors for the school, where they help and encourage young people within the school community to look after their mental health and wellbeing. Our students run ‘Art/talk therapy’ sessions across the school to support their peers to discuss any worries and anxieties they may have.
Bittern classes have work experience opportunities in preparation for their next step of college. Each half term they visit Edfords Care Farm, where they learn about and get to experience the world of work on a farm. Here they get to independently muck out animals such as chickens, feed animals change their water, plant crops and make new areas on the farm by building pathways and planting borders etc. All work is undertaken with consideration for health and safety within the workplace.