Kestrel Class is a specialist provision for key stage 1 and younger key stage 2 students with a diagnosis of autistic spectrum condition (ASC) and associated learning difficulties.
We follow a highly structured daily routine starting with sensory circuit time and workboxes. We are developing our skills to work independently on these tasks. Each pupil has their own individual workstation where they are able to complete their workboxes and any additional adult-led tasks. We are learning to work in small groups together for our cross-curricular activities and enjoy working together as a whole group for circle time.
Communication is a key focus for pupils in Kestrel class. We use a whole communication approach, with most of our pupils using PECs and signing alongside their verbalisation and spoken communication.
As part of the daily timetable, we have structured play sessions where we have set play activities. At these times we are developing our turning-taking and sharing skills and exploring new and familiar toys and resources.
Our topics this year include; Getting to Know You, Celebrations, Amazing Adventures, On the Farm, Into the Woods and Can We Fix It? Throughout the year we access swimming, PE and the sensory room as part of our weekly timetable.