The Nest – Lead by Leanne and Katie.
The Nest is a specialised provision, consisting of two Key Stage 3 pupils, with a diagnosis of autism spectrum condition (ASC) and associated learning difficulties supported by three co-educators.
Our curriculum covers the core subjects, through a complete practical, “hands-on approach”. Such as the use of money to run the wellbeing staff/pupil tuckshop and purchasing items during our weekly supermarket shop. The vital parts of the day are the development of learning for life skills, self-care, use of the local community and safety, taught within local walks, café visits, swimming, Food Technology and use of our new learning for life room No 38.
We recognise the need for the development of social skills and identification of our emotions, so spend each day with these in focus, with the use of Zones of Regulation and help strips. There are also plenty of social opportunities such as visiting the whole school in the tuck shop provision, delivering regular documents to various classes and our annual Santa Grotto, welcoming all to visit.
Our daily timetable is adaptable to meet the needs of our pupils and as a result, our pupils can thrive and develop skills to cope with the world outside school.